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The Stationers' Company
The City of London Livery Company for the Communications and Content Industries


July 2022

Inter Livery Cricket

Inter Livery Cricket

26 JULY 2022

On Monday, 25 July the Clerk, an avid cricketer with a mind to bringing the Stationers' Company and the world of spin, sweeps and slogs together, undertook a couple of hours research.  As an honorary Tallow Chandler he took part in the annual fixture between them and the Girdlers.  


Another blog post from IanVisits which mentions the Stationers' Company

Another blog post from IanVisits which mentions the Stationers' Company

26 JULY 2022

Freeman Ian Mansfield hosts a blog called IanVisits which is full of nuggets of interesting facts and information about London.  Yesterday's post, which was actually about Leigh Place, mentions the Stationers' Company's role in upholding the government's censorship of publications.  Click here to go to IanVisits to read this and other fascinating posts. 

2022 BOSS Industry Awards - taking entries now

2022 BOSS Industry Awards - taking entries now

22 JULY 2022

BOSS is delighted to announce that the 2022 BOSS Industry Awards will be returning to the stunning Kimpton Clocktower in Manchester on Thursday the 24th of November.


The Master officiates at her first  Freedom ceremony during the Master and Wardens' Committee meeting of 18 July

The Master officiates at her first Freedom ceremony during the Master and Wardens' Committee meeting of 18 July

18 JULY 2022

At a Freedom Ceremony held on Monday, 18 July  the Master brought six new freemen into the Company.  


Shine School Media Awards - 27 June 2022

Shine School Media Awards - 27 June 2022

18 JULY 2022

Fresh from organising the nation’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations, guest speaker Sir Nicholas Coleridge had inspirational words for the winners of the Shine School Media Awards on June 27. ‘If my school hadn’t had a magazine to work on, to get my eye in, I probably would have ended up doing a completely different job,’ the former editorial director and president of the Conde Nast media empire told them. ‘All the skills I learnt on a school magazine have been so helpful – commissioning articles, writing a brief, sub-editing, design and layout, writing headlines. They gave me a real head start in life.’


British Book Design and Production Awards - Last Chance to Enter

British Book Design and Production Awards - Last Chance to Enter

13 JULY 2022

The BPIF are keen to remind potential entrants about the British Book Design and Production Awards.  


Committing To Sustainability: The Challenges And Opportunities For The Business Supplies Industry - Virtual Seminar - 20th July 2022

Committing To Sustainability: The Challenges And Opportunities For The Business Supplies Industry - Virtual Seminar - 20th July 2022

11 JULY 2022

Members will be interested in this virtual seminar organised by the BOSS Environmental Forum.  Read more for further details.


Yomping Royal Marines

Yomping Royal Marines

9 JULY 2022

On Friday, 8 July some 17 Royal Marines arrived in London having yomped 56 miles on foot from Windsor to the City of London, to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Falklands conflict, in which yomping played such an important role.


The Scissors used for the Hall re-opening

The Scissors used for the Hall re-opening

7 JULY 2022

The IPM tells the story of the amazing pair of scissors used in the grand re-opening of Stationers' Hall


New Freeman - 5 July 2022

New Freeman - 5 July 2022

6 JULY 2022

At a special meeting of the Master and Wardens Committee on 5 July Robert Flather, on his final day as Master, was delighted to make Professor Jacob Rawlins Free of the Company.  Jacob lectures on publishing and editing as well as linguistics at Brigham Young University in  Utah, USA. He has brought a party of students to the Hall on occasion and we are looking forward to welcoming this year's group next week.

Our New Master

Our New Master

5 JULY 2022

On 5 July 2022 at a Special Court Meeting held at Stationers' Hall a new Master, Moira Sleight, was elected.


Stationers' Hall - Grand Re-opening

Stationers' Hall - Grand Re-opening

4 JULY 2022

On 4 July the Lord Mayor and the Master re-opened the newly refurbished Stationers' Hall after a closure of nearly two years.